When marketing your business it’s important to interact and communicate with your audience in a way that they understand and, on platforms they actually use. In order to find this data though, you need insights into what’s working, and what’s not working.
Event tracking, sometimes known as action tracking refers to any
website interaction. It looks beyond a simple web page load and delves into specifics, highlighting areas on your website that are being engaged with, and the areas that are not.
Event tracking helps you to define what you’re doing well, and what you should do more of which, creates a much more strategic and effective approach.
Event tracking shows you the journey the user has been on in order to get to either a point of conversion or an exit page.
When implementing a PPC campaign for example, event tracking can be used to monitor the success of your campaign; it will measure visits to your landing page and how many of those have converted. Event tracking also helps you to fine-tune your PPC campaigns by showing you exactly where on the website a conversion has been made or perhaps, lost.
Googles Tag Manager is a simple tool used on many websites. Rather than having to hard code into a website in order to track the events, the Tag Manager interface can be introduced to track events. It cuts out time-consuming resources of coding into every web page and helps to analyse results producing more comprehensive granular reports.
Event tracking works best when you have a specific goal, like ‘to increase the number of white paper downloads by 10%’, rather than attempting to track everything.
Event tracking is a powerful way to see what’s helping your prospects to convert. Valuable insights are gained from tracking prospects' movements on your website. It also enables decision-making for future campaigns to be more targeted as you will have comprehensive results to reflect on.
If you need any help with event tracking, feel free to
get in touch!
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