Listing Manager

Listing Manager

 Get listed in all the right places, today

Supercharge your online presence with over 45 business listings across directories, search engines, maps, social media and sat-navs, managed all in one dashboard.

All-in-one dashboard

Update business details once, instantly syncs to over 45 listings

Review management 

Reply to any review from any listing, from your online dashboard

Improves Google ranking

Listing Manager boosts your local search engine optimisation


Increase your visibility

Over 45 high quality publishers, including: Google My Business, Bing Places, Facebook, sat-navs, map listings and more.

Manage reviews & posts

Review management and post management, including posting to Google and Facebook.

Stand Out on Apple Maps

With 1.2 bn iPhone users worldwide as of 2022, you want to make sure that your business stands out from the competition.

With Listing Manager, you’re set up for competitive listings on Apple Maps that you can manage at scale.

Voice search

Listing Manager gets your business found on through Siri, Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana and Google Assistant.

With 20% of all mobile searches conducted through voice, now is the time to be setup online.

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